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Showing posts from September, 2013

No Medal for "Catching-Up"

Peeking out from under tons of student papers and notes from here and there to do this and that, I can identify, completely, with this picture! I laughed out loud when I saw this pic on Pinterest.  Give the guy a little more hair, a feminine characteristic or two, and it's a perfect picture of what I feel like when I'm overwhelmed with paper-work.    Whenever I see teachers leaving at 3:30, I look at them in a sort of awe-struck stare.  After twenty-three years, it would seem I could develop some type of system to help me avoid days like this, but alas, I haven't reached that level of expertise, and quite frankly, given my personality and my extended history, it's not likely that I will ever receive a medal for ever really "catching up."  So, I've decided that "catching up" is highly over-rated.  If I "catch-up," what in the world would I do? I suspect if I ever got to that point, I would inadvertently make-up more things t